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Qin willbrought nearly one hundred miles away from the town Linzi city, there is a secret stronghold Qin Feng, Qin would intend to wait for some time, on the one hand, such as Chang'an City news, on the other hand is felt fatigue has been completely restored, you can enter Xianyou, and Qin certainly will not waste valuable time in Xianyou. The Qin Yunqing to men, so that women take care of nike air max nike air max 90 find a few, that really is very domineering **, Qin strenuous all the stops, and Qinyun Qing finally engage ambiguous, even though this is not completely eliminated drug efficiency, according to Qin estimates, Qin Yunqing take at least three days in a coma or so, in order to take care of Qinyun Qing, Qin Feng is also one of the reasons this came at the stronghold, otherwise, Qin Feng is not easily out of this stronghold, had these but racking up means only people settle down here into the civilian population, controlling hundreds of spies, if accidentally exposed, it may be a big loss.

Progress is fatigue vary according to the different work carried out every man,nike outlet, a person in the game and friends everywhere sightseeing tour, perhaps fatigue in the first half to stay in the game perhaps was only forty- three percent, while if the practice, perhaps just over a couple of months they reached fatigue sixty five percent, while the others or if the day and a monster battle, killing constantly upgrade, then probably they only had two weeks of fatigue will reach eighty percent danger, in short, is based on the degree of fatigue loss of mind of everyone doing things may be, if the loss of the mind 's activity, increased fatigue faster.

Bought drugs,nike air max 90, Qin straight away outside the city, while on the road, Qin Feng opening the properties panel again, and began to read. Qin only interested in important properties of these points, it can be said that the decision of several properties in the development of the game players, Qin twenty-five, this level throughout the game can be considered high, etc., this continent rankings the first player now only thirty-one grade level, the second to tenth place are thirty, the tenth one to twenty- eight is twenty-nine, so down to twenty-six also within top 100, but although twenty-five 's certainly a lot, but anyway he can be considered how the first two hundred, but that's just look at grades, if the look attribute, but it is the ordinary people should and twenty twelve level when michael kors handbags almost, this is the result of increased use of the basic properties of a little immortality, if a start that way, a little property -level rise increases, I am afraid now Qin or only a dozen or less mixed in with the monster area, think now is not the monster went to go use the identity of a bomb to blow up a monster, killing more than a dozen less strange if their one by one, and that he probably directly on the collapse, and now needs experience level rise is already fifty thousand left and right, and now a ten kill monsters probably only have to look at a twelve -point experience, that l need a minimum twenty thousand killed a monster, this figure is definitely let anyone crash.

