
dvcb wtto hfya

Won the high priest 's teachings,ugg, Du how the Holy See will have a good impression. Confident but not conceited,white to level 6 magician now imagine that, a little too arrogant. Difficult to expect, Du although only a 12 -year-olds, but it already has ambitions for hegemony. These and the poor living in the village when God does not affect the demon, after all, only their great strength, it may no longer be bullied by others ! Re understand a lot of the Dragon Ring communicated to their own information, Du While dragon ring isknow the Lord God of God quit full-time, just relying on God While this ring, can be absorbed into the Raymond Du Yu continent eighty percent dark faith energy.

You know, if there is opium devil exists, just planchas ugg, faith can be absorbed into the dark half of the ah ! That devil exists in the absence of the Great Smoky Raymond continent, except Du Dragon with the main ring, and there are still a few low-level clerical dragon ring. Originally through the main dragon ring, Du can call it ugg españa the lower clergy, but because of Du 's strength has not yet reached the level of the Lord God, not even into the sanctuary level, if forced to summon, Du only result is a mummy, and even so, the call is still not complete.

In addition, the Lord God ring through information delivery, Du also understand the powerful Lord God. Dark lines across a total of only nine big God Lord God, namely, belief in the Great Smoky ugg españa devil patriarch nine races, each of which is synonymous with terror. For example, Du ring the hands of the original owner of the dragon, dark Maronite patriarch - once had a large dragon alone kill off the Holy See Pope's contemporary glorious history, to know that the Pope, but the big seat under the light of God Archangel in the first person, otherwise, it will not be sent to faith force Raymond continent so rich in itself the strength to break away from the Lord God of promotion to the altar only a thin line, not to mention their calls 36 Archangel.

