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Then you say a thorough understanding of what the answer is ? Lin Feng Tao : The answer is very simple : all time and space, are all false. All time and space, are all false ? Ah, just say so, nike free which may not understand the mystery, that cheap nike free run with a simple example of it. Lin Feng said, waved his right hand, palm appeared at a book, open the book, there is a picture on the page, painted mountains and rivers on the map. Lin Feng pointed to the map, said: As said, this paper is a space that is the stuff of space among the mountains and rivers.

Moment, hands a tear, a torn book pages, and then, pointing to the written Lin Feng, said: nike free run look. Two women and a look, to see the flowers have a map book, bees and butterflies dancing figure. Lin Feng tore the book page by page, and soon after, we saw a star map, it was a big bang universe from chaos patterns. He said: At this situation the origin of the universe born after the Big Bang and space, want to know the origin of space and time before the Big Bang, in which space is a place where things do ? No space is not there before did not exist before, the void did not exist, at that void located, in the end if there is anything ?

Then,cheap nike free run, the hand of a tear, and that page has been torn down, see the contents of the next page, where a river, there is someone there on the river boat man fishing in the fishing shore. This is...... two goddesses frown. Lin Feng smiled, that page will be torn paper back, and said: the Big Bang when the situation is such that before the big bang it? Then, put the torn pattern again put it back before this page, but it is a plate of beautiful floral pattern. This is the origin of the universe before the Big Bang temporal situation...... Lin Feng faint talking.

