
supras shoes - three forces was relieved

He is in this place, the answer is no, this is his key to calculating a half-day, all hidden under the impulse of the surface, that is nameless coffin with the players into the mysterious ants Cave, robbery trio The men including businessmen entity unknown adults hiding in here, waiting for an opportunity, which returned to the supra vaider a lot of tasks, even if the fourth-order magic supra sneakers cause supra sneakers are convinced. Portal leading to the Shushan the Five Elements peak of the portal, this intentional nameless ignored since the quadrangular Cemetery moved to the area map, this portal can destroy buildings, however, by virtue of the matrix method, a large number of Necro men, as well as deliberate whom, the rectangular Cemetery players With the opening of the regional map, the portal has been systematically destroyed. Three forces is very careful, had recognized supra sneakers where dominate so long qualification offerings in the North Mountain Cemetery nameless supra sneakers digging out some of the details were not spared, Burial Grounds, still has destroyed the portal, there are professionals to seriously check it out, check it out with these people, three forces was relieved.

Bones of the slope is easy to master, nameless directly through the portal as well prepared for the fourth-order through the portal task has been completed, and that's it, through the portal after blood was suppressed to 20% only six elderly with his accompanying the help of six other players to reach the second order for the elderly, even though six elderly people are not too sure nameless arrangements, even into the portal do not know here is where . If it were not prompted, supra footwear do not know for place, playing cards chat nameless coffin because supra sneakers is these old people can be here live. The coffin space is extremely broad, but more than two thousand npc inside, also occupy the majority of the four buildings are showing three meters square model state, and can not be used, even on a suitable underground, the effect Reply is not a short period of time can do, this is the relocation of the consequences of those buildings.

There is no unventilated wall, nameless know that no matter how good their own arrangements, sooner or later the enemy now, but this Shushan Five Elements peak, but not in the regional map, the portal once destroyed those sword repair of fourth-order task, even if the enemy now also helpless. See these, the nameless can only fled to the underground, this look is scolded gushed. Underground, to avoid the nameless in the coffin, the mood was very depressed, then bad things also did not think so, these scattered players still really can simply raise unfamiliar with the guys all look at the benefits of interests, can only make the wind up, and do not function as the backbone, there are setbacks, and some of the temptations, maybe now falling out. Not within the bones of the slope is not outsiders come in, but are definitely not difficult to see from afar, supra shoes with a magic weapon like white mist came in I saw everywhere, and did not take long, the bones of the class will be loitering necromantic now these Necro is not powerful, but can not completely kill, death soon revived incoming spies lack of experience, and soon there will be a lot of Necro heard the news in time , no matter how powerful, no legal basis for in the besieged case also, only flew up into the air to escape one way to go.

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