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Li Jie hearts surprised, he remembered the face of the two bodies, not far from a few road motorcycle car marks. The Li Jiegang a stand up, next to him, Malone and others also are awakened, Malone saw Li Jie like to hear the sound of the cars outside, immediately understood what had happened, two Shanker pull in the hands. Lin Shu, you go and wake-up whisper them! Li Jie whispered to Lin Dong finished, turn around and Malone went to the supermarket before a window, and looked out the window through the gap. The weather has been a little light outside, the land of ice and snow reflecting the light, let heaven and earth is clearly brighter. Are several motorcycles moving rapidly coming to the side, Li Jie counted a total of five, to the car, two men sitting on each vehicle in the parking lot next to the highway, and that is the other side, a total of ten people. The five motorcycles soon to a supermarket parking lot outside, the people in the car to see Li Jie Nike Free Run cars parked outside, these people seem very excited, howling the motorcycle stopped, in the hands of wielding an ax and a machete, elated down from the car, did not seem worried that Li Jie Nike Free Run 5.0 awakened.

Ten men that were under the car, ran to the front of the car of Li Jie Nike Free Run 2 carefully looked, seems very interested in cars to Li Jie Nike Free Run 5.0 Then Li Jie Nike Free Run 5.0 only to see the face of the ten. . Li Jie surprised, five of which turned out to be a woman, these people are wearing a thick coat, but the rest of me mess ornaments hanging, his face is painted colorful looks like The lunatic in general. Ten was a tall bald bald face is fairly clean, did not draw anything mess, but this bald face a ferocious phase, to see that this is not a good person, on the left ear hanging one big earrings, leaving him to look nondescript. The bald carrying machetes hand you want to open the door before the van went Li Jie Nike Free Run 5.0 But Li Jie Nike Free Run 5.0 at bedtime long the car to locked, so he did not open .

Sure enough, the bald one knifed on the glass, but it seems to be cut in the steel plate,? A sound, bald hands of machete gave Zhenfei the. Ha ha ha ~ see bald beaten, his next nine people actually laughed, bald is shortness of breath, raised his foot fiercely kick door outcome fanzhen to back again and again, eventually tumble fall, and sat on the ground, other people laugh even more formidable. Nike Free Run 3.0 what? Li Jie and Malone do not want to waste time, kicked open the door of the weights come out loudly. Outside laugh to hear the propaganda of Li Jie, turned immediately alert baldie from the ground up, picked up a machete standing in front of. Hey, Nike Free Run 5.0 is the car owner? Bald grinning cry, eerie tone of Li Jie and Malone said, had he just worried about the other people, but saw each other only Li Jie and Marlon two men, immediately emboldened up.

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