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And the ghd hair straightener to tell it's overtones in conversation.The old man certainly hear it.The old man would enjoy this little ghd.His kindness.Is not weakness -- cowardly to temper how can a house mistress?The old lady was on ghd still no good.She won't because of ghd and ghd in two words or three to change to.There is a lot of geopolitics.But the old man is know.Thus the old lady more dissatisfied.

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Words which do not speak?But it does not cost money, ghd iv styler was when Zhao men face, the old lady to say a few pleasant words -- let Zhao men know, the old lady for her again and again under the ghd, but still have a good daughter-in-law.No true master Zhao -- men's support, ghd want to Zhao Fu based, it is a joke.

Ginger, never old is spicy.The old lady has no eyelids lift, just put a hand to let ghd sat back, and then slowly replied: "what to say grateful grateful, only it is a living place, be worth what; besides, a hospital or something, but also some unusual thing he.Grateful gratitude, as long as you can remember ghd this mother a little good to; is not remember nothing, mothers with children regardless of which of these?Okay, well, not to say.ghd want to come too hungry, we are ready to go straight to the table."


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Who let her just a concubine?Her daughter to sit, she just stood out.The song of my aunt is of course also falls on the old man's eyes with ghd curls mouth curved bend, and the old man looked at the song aunt brow furrowed: this link is to beat, Zhenzhen herself as a wife to be!

Second concubines to kneel on the ground, at first just over three head, and then took the girl to the ghd specials tea, the tea head held high and said: "Jianqie Chen Xin, king lady tea."ghd her appearance will know she is Feng Yun's mother, her speech and deportment would have a quiet, watch her appearance was also know that it is an honest man.ghd sent her to stand aside.

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ghd iv styler think of here, on the red skirt rising out of disgust: not any face in this world?Hong Chang ignore ghd response, she continued: "I am not put her as a mother to look at, to the mother as well as her husband,, as their peak, so get along is the best, I think is it right? This truth?People get along too well, would be too greasy, too greasy for perfection and will give birth to criticize, not if ghd king mother-in-law as peak, love her husband as govt, think how?"

ghd has got red sang it, he is not wise, of course understand that there's truth: Although he still awkward -- and he was the sage school some draw further apart.Red skirt ghd look, he knew that he had to move: "husband, between mother-and daughter since ancient times is very difficulty good, the reason is because everyone asked her daughter-in-law to be like mother.If you think, such a request, will make her carefully watched daughter-in-law work, talk, ghd each do one thing, she can't help with which his own daughter to make a comparison, we can in her heart, which the wife is better than a daughter?And daughter-in-law, the same idea -- if ghd mother, how can we love ghd.If things go on like this, two personal dissatisfaction days and months multiplying down, where do I get?"


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Him tightly chi straightener control in her arms, the stiff chest tightly close chi. chi twist, he was more excited!"chi, accompany me once, one million I do not!" His ear against the chi softly say one transaction, he is clear that he wants what!The Yuqing felt by the unprecedented insult, face more pale one. "chi Shuo you let me go, I told my friend to borrow money to pay you back! I will not be no compensation for you, quickly let me go!"

"In just one, I'll give you a million, okay?" This time he is pleading, thin lips have been affixed to the neck of the chi hair products hungry, hungry kiss.chi picked up the bag on the table, hit to backhand hard toward his head. "Rogue, you let me go, let me go!"



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He does not is not cruel, after all, the home is also no need chi straighteners to do, and do not need to go out and work chi.He could not bear, chi bunch of rascals. chi often play to the middle of the night to go home, and that the body is full of alcohol and cigarette smoke unpleasant.

He has repeatedly asked for a divorce, but chi flat iron is separated from.The passage of time after, chi also do not care about the marriage, chi restore a single life, continue to hang around outside.Think of those things in the past, he was more irritable in chi who vent.



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Female doctor and several nurses brutal chi flat iron to the operating table ..."Your woman how is it? Hurry lying? I do not want to get into trouble the upper body, a few minutes to get away quickly," a female doctor and a few nurses brutal chi press to the operating table ...

Yuqing face and tears out of the operating room, swallowed their anger staring at stood at the door, and a look 'worried'! chi hair dryer ShuoSee chi ramshackle look, secretly relieved! "Where do you live, I send you back!""Do not you fake good intentions, I can walk!" chi bypassing he walked forward, straight ...

Perhaps did not notice at the foot threw himself to the ground, suddenly embarrassed.chi products Shuo and threw her into the elevator!"You put me down, this move is simply superfluous!" chi said coldly, then jumped out of his arms efforts!chi Master looked empty arms down slowly. She was right, he really superfluous.


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Behind, chi straightener said teeth!"I give you money? Can not you ring me first!" chi Shuo empty box threw her let her Kangezixi!chi brain instantly blank tense grabbed the box. "How could this be, I obviously put the ring on the box, ah!""Well, I really will be installed ah! chi rings less the value of one million, of course, to the rings than one hundred and eighty thousand to cool!"

chi hair products Shuo's eyes filled with contempt, angrily looked at her.He is most despised to chi this point, worships money, for the money at the the men warm bed tool.Although, chi is the man, but chi is still very angry.chi could not hear his irony, to bag the mouth down, pour all things. Turn to turn to, and did not see his ring.

Because anxious, chi straighteners face pale one the verge of tears. "I'm clearly on the box, obviously put, how would not it!" chi murmured said to myself.See her 'acting', he felt sick. "chi, You're a good actor, acting is indistinguishable from the original. If not you knew what kind of woman, I am afraid that you lied to it!"


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See her intentions, chi straighteners Shuo angry shouted: "Damn it, give me stop!"chi ignored him, straight ahead!As she stepped out of the door of the moment, the whole body was a pull back.Yuqing completely mad, do not care about other people and not to hear."chi, I don't want to insult, I now also not the poor girl, don't you insult.I don't want to let children despise me, you know?"A few years old children despised her, just her head up to the fundamental!

chi flat iron cry and shed bitter tears cried, with a strong hate staring at him."Would you please release me, I have to go!"chi Shuo rude wiped the tears on her face, gnash the teeth in anger and said: "I want to take you home, so late, you like this are not afraid of tramp?"

Damn it, originally wanted to use chi hair dryer against his wife, results, was son of hit.It is ~ ~ is really let chi tags!chi took the lead out of the house door, stood waiting by the side of his car.This time the house opens the door, two harsh light, according to the chi could not open the eyes, put his hand over his face.
